Mother is Safe... Feed the Sister

The story & mythology of Mother & Sister

Mother is Safe...Feed the Sister.

In early 2018 Daniel had decided Chef Brian would become the future Executive Chef of SOURCE. With that, Daniel gave Chef Brian a menu template of the cuisine to be offered at SOURCE. Noticing that Napolitano style pizza would be the main driver of the restaurant, Chef Brian set out to create the best starter dough on earth.

Chef Brian was able to harvest yeast from his favorite local beer and begin cultivating our 'Mother' starter sourdough for our pizza. Over the next two years, Chef Brian cared for, fed and loved our Mother. Letting her grow and come into her own, constantly testing and adjusting what she ate until he knew it was the best it could be.

Upon opening SOURCE in November of 2020 we realized we had something truly unique with our Mother, and with that uniqueness something that could not be duplicated… Out of an abundance of caution we made the decision to create 'Sister' from a piece of Mother. Then moving Mother to a secure location away from the restaurant and keeping Sister on-site. By doing so we ensured Mothers 'bloodline' to continue should anything happen to either batch of dough. And so was born the saying "Mother is Safe... Feed the Sister". Mother continues to remain safe and each day we feed Sister allowing her to grow, blossom and feed so many in the region who have grown to know and love SOURCE pizza.